GISMAN has over 30 years experience in the design and supply of polyethylene buoys and mooring solutions.
Proximity Buoys
- GBP-900
- GBR-1250
- GBP-1500
The proximity buoy GBP-900 (Ø0.9m, volume 200L) is intended for the beaconing of sheltered and protected areas.

The proximity buoy GBR-1250 (Ø1.2m, volume 0.4m3) is intended for river beaconing and fast current areas.

The buoy GBP-1500 (Ø1.5m, volume 0,7m3) is intended for river beaconing, shallow waters and fast current zones.

Coastal Buoys
- GBP-1800
- GBM-2000
- GBM-2500
- GB-2600-ECO
The buoy GBP-1800 (Ø1.8m, volume 1.7m3) is made for port beaconing. Entirely made of polyethylene, it is very light and easy to deploy.

The modular buoy GBM-2000 (Ø2m, volume 3.1m3) is intended for the beaconing of semi-exposed and sheltered sites. The combination of its 3 main elements is custom-made according to site conditions and client requirements.

The modular buoy GBM-2500 (Ø2.5m, volume 5.25m3) is intended for the beaconing of semi-exposed sites. The combination of its 3 main elements is custom-made according to site conditions and client requirements.

With its innovative design, GISMAN buoy GB-2600-ECO can match a wide range of applications. This is a cost effective and environmentally-friendly equipment.
Please contact us to receive our dedicated brochure.

Open sea buoys
- GBM-3000
Our modular buoy GBM-3000 is intended for the beaconing of exposed sites, in open seas or rough areas, with its 3m diameter polyethylene float and an adjustable volume from 7.5 to 12m3. Thanks to its modular design, and various combinations of floats, steel central structures and spars, the GBM-3000 is able to match all site conditions and client’s requirements.

Articulated Beacons
With a submerged float from 0.8 to 10m3 volume, GISMAN articulated beacons offer a watch swing radius close to 0. This equipment requires low maintenance. Its design is cutom-made for each site conditons and is suitable for mooring depth up to 50m.

Data buoys
- Floating structures for data acquisition
With a wide range of floats and spars, GISMAN is able to offer custom-made floating supports for electronic devices and ocean-weather sensors.

Aids to Navigation solutions for Inland Waterways
GISMAN offers a comprehensive range of services and equipment to match all the requirements for inland waterways marking systems (on rivers, estuaries, lakes or lagoons), in accordance with applicable regulations of each country, such as the European Code for Inland Waterways (CEVNI) or the CEMAC/DRC code on inland navigation:
Technical expertise: full diagnosis and equipment survey, global solutions to suit all types of environment, supply and assistance in the installation of the equipment
Floating signs: our range of PE buoys and accessories
Marks on land: bank marking and associated support structures, marking of harbor entrances.